
ZolliPops – Low Carb Sugar Free Lollies

ZolliPops are a nutritious lolly alternative to the traditional lollipop.

ZolliPops are made from natural ingredients and are safe for people with various special dietary requirements. They use only natural flavours and their colours come from only natural plant based sources. Sweetened with xylitol, erythritol, and stevia and containing turmeric, they not only don’t hurt your teeth, but actually help clean them.

  • Vegan
  • Keto
  • Gluten free
  • Sugar free
  • Kosher
  • Nut free
  • Dairy free
  • Non GMO
  • Diabetic friendly

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“The Clean Teeth Pops”

  • ZolliPops hard candy lolly varieties are the first healthy teeth lollipop to hit the market.
  • ZolliPops were specifically formulated to promote healthy teeth, the brainchild of kidpreneur Alina Morse when she was just 7 years old. She told her dad that she wanted lollipops that were good for your teeth, and ZolliPops were born. 
The Zolli Candy company is now one of the fastest growing companies in America -- rank 635 on the 2019 Inc. 5000 list -- and that’s no surprise. What kid doesn’t like candy? And with a hard candy lolly that actually cleans teeth, what parent wouldn’t buy it for their kids? So how can sweets clean teeth? ZolliPops is made with ingredients that work naturally in the mouth to counteract the higher acidity of saliva after meals or drinking sugary beverages. Regulating saliva’s pH level discourages cavities from forming and prevents tooth enamel from softening. Your teeth can also re-mineralize faster, making them stronger and harder.  Dry mouth, which often happens as we age and as a side effect of taking certain medications, is another problem that can promote tooth decay. Grabbing a sugarfree clean teeth lolly helps your mouth produce more saliva and create a germ-fighting oral environment. Having one of these hard candy lolly treats after eating is even better than brushing your teeth!